She even shares a voice actress with the original Shorttank. Shorttank: A redheaded girl in a midriff-baring top with a Tsundere streak.

But upon trying it she notes it doesn't taste like how she usually makes it. The only reason her Sweet Azuki bean porridge turned out well is because a Monkey changed the spice shaker caps. Lethal Chef: Possibly she likes cooking and she is the only person to like how they taste.Averted in the Frederator Studios cartoon, where she's just as zany as the rest of the cast. Subverted midway into the anime's second season, where she is somewhat distraught over the abduction of her father. She initially gets upgraded to holding this on her own in 2, before the Professor returns. Mission Control: Shares this role with the Professor in the first game, though the latter is featured more prominently.Improbable Weapon User: She uses a staff in Pumped & Primed, but when it comes to projectile battle, she uses a lacrosse stick.This gives her the opportunity to contact Kei and Yumi and warn them. Immune to Mind Control: She's the only one of the original heroes who the Monkeys' television show seems to have no effect on, as Spike, Jimmy, and the Professor are all rendered brainwashed by it.Expy: The US dub of Ape Escape 2 gives her the voice of Misty from Pokemon, while Jimmy was voiced by Ash.3 is worse for her where she only appears and has lines in the opening and after the first ending, with the role of mission control taken by Aki. But once he returns, she takes a backseat for most of the story. She initally is important in 2, serving the same role for Jimmy while the Professor's away. Demoted to Extra: Serves as Mission Control alongside the Professor in the first game and is prominent in many of the story cutscenes.In Pumped & Primed, she's a very much able contestant in the tournaments. Action Girl: In the anime, she's out there helping Spike catch monkeys.Otherwise, she acts like she did in the games.

In the anime, she actually goes out and assists Spike in capturing monkeys, moreso then any other character. The daughter of the Professor, Natalie is a Tomboy who follows in her father's footsteps. Voiced by (English): Christiane Crawford ( Ape Escape), Rachael Lillis ( Ape Escape 2), Wendee Lee ( Ape Escape: Pumped & Primed), Amber Hood ( Ape Escape: On the Loose, Ape Escape 3) Natalie/Katie/Natsumi Voiced by (Japanese): Tomoko Kawakami

Badass Normal: His proficiency with his tools was all he needed to take down Specter the first time.Badass Adorable: Apparently he's only in the fourth grade.Anime Hair: Super spikey and bright red with a yellow tuft up front.

The hero of the original Ape Escape and a few of the spin-offs.